When most people talk about smoking weed or marijuana, they would automatically think it is a huge danger zone and everyone should stay away from it. Unlike what their imagination tells them, no smoker is going to suddenly turn in to an unemployed addict when it comes to marijuana. Most people are conditioned to believe that is what would happen if you take just one whiff of weed. In reality, marijuana was never illegal anywhere in the first place. It was a misunderstood and scared person running the department of prohibition, along with America’s racist history, that ended up showing false facts against marijuana that turned in to a major ban all around the world. However actual facts still prove that alcohol consumption is far more harmful than the consumption of marijuana. While certain places allow medical marijuana to be used on patients, if allowed it can create a revolutionary breakout in medicine because marijuana offers a lot of amazing and surprising health benefits to everyone.
No obesity
As most people might already know, obesity is a factor that manages to fatally harm a lot of people each year. In fact, obesity is one of the lead causes of death in the United States of America. Rolling a joint of weed once in a while or using a nice vaporizer a few times is going to help you avoid getting overweight or obese. Unlike taking in other harmful drugs, marijuana is not going to make you lose an extreme amount of weight but it will let you control it on your own.
Good lung capacity
Even though we have lungs that are suited to our needs inside our body, it is really easy for anything to happen at any time and for this having efficient lungs is very important. Researches carried out by scientists have easily proved that people who take in marijuana with the help of an amazing grinder, bong or something else, has a much higher lung capacity than people who smoke and people who do not smoke anything at all as well. This it shows just how efficient marijuana will make your lungs to be!
Increases creativity
Another major benefit that comes hand in hand with our health is the ability marijuana has to improve our creativity and intelligence by certain levels. A study was done on this as well and as a result the researchers found that once someone does consume marijuana it does truly manage to increase both creativity and intelligence. With this kind of proof it is hard to say marijuana is actually harmful at all.

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